Monday, 24 June 2013

In a halfway house halfway down Al Shamal Road

Andy and I have always had a lot of guests come to visit us. We love the open door policy at the Mullin house. In fact, our spare room in every house is affectionately known as “Brendan’s Room” (named after our friend who stayed with us in NZ for a few months). This year has been no different. We’ve had lots of visitors to our home in the desert. Thank-you for coming to see us!

Natalie was our first visitor. A quick trip over from Dubai for a weekend, we had a great time with you, Nat!

Story time with Natalie

Obdulio came to visit us from Dubai as well, but sadly we have no photos from that weekend. See you again soon, Obdulio!

Uncle Mike and Aunty Von came to see us after their trip to India. We took them to the all the Doha sites and had a great weekend. 

Mike and Von with boys at souq
Road Trip

Race up the dunes!

We had a nice long visit from mum and dad. Lots of good food, family time and even a camping trip into the desert. 

Ian came to see us in Doha for a weekend. We'll see you and Sam in Dubai again soon!

At the souq

Mara and Ed came to visit us from Khartoum. It's too bad they are moving to Doha at the same time we are moving to Khartoum...but I'm sure we'll get a chance to hang out again soon. The boys had a great time at the movies!

At the movies with Mara and Ed

And Kirsten and Callum came to see us on their way back to NZ from the UK. The boys loved the weekend with them, but secretly hoped that they had Bethany and Sophie hiding in their cases. Next time...
Kirsten and Callum
Will, Callum and Ben

Will, Callum and Ben

Thanks for visiting us everyone!!